The Builder
December 2022
Year of the People Report
Advent, translated from the Latin adventus, marks the season of anticipation and preparation to receive again the birth of the Christ into our hearts, our lives, and our church. How is your Advent season going so far? Are you finding ways of preparing your heart and your living to receive again the birth of the Christ-child in a few weeks? What will it mean for you personally to receive again this birth as a gift from God for you?
This year several Broad Street faithful have been hard at work decorating the church for the Advent and Christmas season. The Sanctuary is warm with greenery and glowing lights, Sunday morning music, and a sense of serenity for all who are able to take it in from near or far. We have new candles in the Sanctuary Advent wreath, a gift in memory of Carolyn Towers by her family. Because the candles are refillable liquid candles, we’ll be able to use them for years to come—reminding us of blessings of our past while simultaneously looking to the future. It is precisely what Advent is about: looking back with gratitude, while looking forward in anticipation.
And speaking of looking back and looking forward. There are many opportunities to look back with gratitude and look forward in anticipation this Advent season at Broad Street. The Columbus Landmarks Foundation’s Great Hallelujah Tour of Churches is returning to Columbus on Dec 3rd, and Broad Street Church is one of the featured churches. I’m told several hundred people usually attend this event annually (pre-Covid days), which means we’ll have the pleasure of sharing our beautiful building, music ministry, history, architecture, and hospitality with all who attend on December 3rd. We’ll host a reception in the gymnasium after the Columbus Landmarks Foundation presentation and Broad Street singing in the Sanctuary that afternoon.
Many who have been in this building know that the only way to get from the Sanctuary to the gymnasium is by walking past the kitchen renovation project. This means literally hundreds of visitors will take note of our kitchen renovation construction project, providing us a fabulous opportunity to talk about all the different ministries and programs that come from the Broad Street kitchen—ministries designed to nourish many people in many ways. It will afford us the opportunity to invite others to both look back with gratitude and look forward in anticipation.
On December 4th, Pastor Angie Cox and Pastor Deb Stevens will lead a 60-minute conversation titled The UMC Ahead, about the future of United Methodism following the recent Jurisdictional Conference. The group will meet in the Narthex immediately following worship. Again, we’ll take a look back with gratitude and look to the future in anticipation.
Other items of note around Broad Street Church this month include the return of Bethlehem on Broad Street (BOBS) INDOORS! For the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic caused BOBS to be shifted outdoors for safety. This year we’re moving back indoors with a new twist as we honor our past and continue forging the future. There are still volunteer opportunities to be part of this exciting day further down in this newsletter.
If you’re looking for other ways to make a difference this Advent season, consider volunteering to help prepare meals for the Manna Café every Wednesday, or volunteering with the Columbus Coalition for the Homeless Warming Center here in the church during the weekdays.
A huge thank you to those who prepared and donated Thanksgiving dishes for the Columbus Coalition for the Homeless’ Thanksgiving Day meal. Hundreds of people were fed on Thanksgiving Day here at the church through the Coalition’s program, extending the Broad Street hospitality we’re known for.
And now, looking to the future, as you consider sending Christmas cards to church family and friends, did you know you have access to the most up-to-date address database the church owns? Simply visit the church website, click on the Resources tab, then select Online Directory. It will take a moment for the directory to load and open on your computer, but then you’ll have full access to all the most up-to-date addresses the church has. Incidentally, if you’ve recently had a change of address, you can update your own address in the database as well, so others can reach you during the Advent/Christmas season.
And lastly—a point of personal privilege, if you will. This past summer, my partner, Scott, and I had the joy of traveling on vacation to Wales and England for a trip of a lifetime. We traveled the countryside, staying in small villages and metropolitan cities. We took in landmarks, tours, museums, castles, and cathedrals. We worshipped, meditated, and enjoyed many conversations.
Upon our return from the UK, we realized more conversation was both eminent and imminent. It was a conversation not unlike some of you have also had, I suspect. And it was a conversation that both looked to the past and looked to the future.
After much prayerful consideration, and a few tears, Scott and I have decided to end our relationship, and set one another free. I have recently moved out of our home and have relocated to the downtown Discovery District near the church. I am grateful for the love and support of the Personnel Subcommittee and the Leadership Board when I shared these developments with them. And now I share this with you, not so much to garner your attention or sympathy (although I’ll covet your prayers for Scott, and for me), but more as a way inviting you to join me in reflecting on a deeper meaning of this season of Advent, and the journey it invites: a time to look to the past with gratitude and to look to the future with anticipation, as we prepare to receive again the love of God for us very personally, which is made manifest in the birth of the baby Christ-child.
I am grateful for the time and the love Scott and I shared together. And I am grateful for the time and the love Broad Street Church continues to share with me and one another. May you have a blessed Advent season and journey of looking to the past with gratitude while looking to the future with anticipation.
May Advent blessings be upon you!
Pastor John Girard
Advent / Christmas Worship Schedule
1st Sunday of Advent — Nov 27, 11:00 a.m., Sunday Worship: There’s Room for Every Story
2nd Sunday of Advent — Dec 4, 11:00 a.m., Sunday Worship: God Meets Us in Our Fear
3rd Sunday of Advent — Dec 11, 11:00 a.m., Sunday Worship: We Can Choose a Better Way
4th Sunday of Advent — Dec 18, 11:00 a.m., Cantata Sunday with special music by the Chancel Choir
December 21, 7:00 p.m. — Longest Night Service: a service of reflection and meditation for those experiencing grief or sadness during this season
December 24, 7:00 p.m. — Christmas Eve: Candlelight, Carols, and Communion
December 25, 11:00 a.m. — Christmas Day: Sunday Worship with scripture, prayer, and carols!
January 1, 2023, 11:00 a.m. — New Year’s Day: Resolutions and Rememberings
January 8, 2023, 11:00 a.m. — Sunday Worship: Epiphany Sunday, We Keep Seeking
January 15, 2023, 11:00 a.m. — Sunday Worship: Baptism of the Lord Sunday: Remember Your Baptism and Be Thankful
New Service Opportunity!
Are you looking for a new opportunity to serve at Broad Street UMC? Consider becoming a Counter!
We need 6 to 8 servant counters to help count the contributions that Broad Street UMC receives each week. We count the tangible contributions that are received during the Sunday Worship service, checks received in the office, and anything that is not received as an online donation.
Typically, Broad Street UMC has 3 to 4 teams of two counters per team. The counters come into the Broad Street UMC office to count contributions on a weekday morning for about two hours. The counting teams rotate each month, so with 4 counting teams, a counter will serve in this capacity three months in a calendar year—about 12 days in all.
The Broad Street Financial Team would love to have you as a part of the counting volunteers.
If you are interested in this servant opportunity, please contact Lydia Keller, the Broad Street UMC Financial Secretary. You can reach Lydia by email at
Advent Devotionals
This year’s Advent devotional is available as a “digital magazine” that works on any type of computer—desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone. If you have a device that can run an Internet browser, you can have your Advent devotional with you wherever you go!
Click or tap the button below to open the devotional in a browser window, and then be sure to bookmark the page so you can find it easily. (For instructions on creating a bookmark, click here.)
2022 Hallelujah Tour of Churches
Saturday, December 3, Starting at 12:30 p.m.
Join Columbus Landmarks Foundation for a tour of our city’s most impressive sacred places - learn about their rich architectural history, enjoy live seasonal music, and gain an understanding of how dynamic congregations care for these challenging buildings.
The tour ends at Broad Street United Methodist Church with coffee, hot tea, and homemade Christmas cookies.
And then, stick around for additional fellowship time with your Broad Street Church family as we head to Matt and Tony’s Kitchen x Tavern located at 340 E. Gay St. at the conclusion of the Tour. View their menu here if you are interested.
2022 Bethlehem on Broad Street
Saturday, December 10, Starting at 9:00 a.m.
The BOBS Christmas Party is back this year! Each year, we review the Bethlehem on Broad Street program to understand how our efforts made an impact on those receiving services. The pandemic necessitated changes to how we engaged in ministry for the safety of our guests and volunteers, and now our planning team believes it is time for us to come back inside for Bethlehem on Broad Street 2022. Rather than food boxes this year, the ministry event will be geared toward meeting some of the needs of the daily guests who are supported by the Warming Center that Broad Street hosts. Though the focus will be different, we’re still going to have a party, and we’ll need your help to do it!
In the gymnasium, there will be an all-day Resource Fair filled with all kinds of assistance and advocacy groups, working to help our neighbors who are unhoused and living on the land. AND, in Jim Thomas Hall, we’re having a Christmas party! Guests will receive hygiene bags and other assorted items (instead of food boxes this year), and cookies/treats and hot chocolate/coffee will be available, all while Christmas music entertains in the background. Santa pictures are back this year, too!
The party is one of the best parts of BOBS each year, and it’s one part we’ve all missed over the past two years of being outside due to Covid-19 risks. We do hope that you’ll find a spot to volunteer and celebrate the Christmas spirit with our neighbors; to do so, sign up below!
A service of light and darkness on the longest night of the year, this is especially meaningful for those who struggle with sadness, grief, or stress during this season. This year, inspired by the ability of art to help us express our emotions, we will incorporate several artistic “canvases” as expressions of grief and hope. Our time will also incorporate prayers and spoken liturgy. Everyone is welcome.
Updates from Your Facilities Subcommittee
Kitchen Renovation
If you haven’t been to Jim Thomas Hall recently (to check out those pews looking for a new home!), you may not be aware that our contractor, Apex Builders, has begun work on the kitchen renovations. We’re also delighted to announce that our friends with the Early Response Team at North Broadway UMC will be volunteering their time and expertise on this project. Keep an eye out for further volunteer opportunities in the new year!
Stained Glass
We have contracted with Franklin Glass for the repair of the damaged stained-glass windows. This glass is hand painted. With so few artisans in the area specializing in painted glass, this work will take some time to complete. However, the exterior textured glass is scheduled to be replaced on December 1st. At that time, we’ll be able to remove the interior paper covering the damage without fear of inclement weather impacting the Sanctuary.
Columbus Coalition for the Homeless Report
The Winter Warming Center has opened for the winter season and is housed in the Broad Street UMC gymnasium. The Warming Center is open Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. During the month of November, 192 guests made 1,300 visits to the Warming Center – 89 of these were brand new guests (not seen here during the 2021–2022 winter season). Guests at the Warming Center find in Broad Street’s gymnasium the blessings of hot coffee, snacks, free clothing, and a host of city/community resource connections to be made, all of which secure IDs, birth certificates, mental/emotional and physical medical care, transportation, and permanent housing. Thank you, Broad Street, for your mission to be “a building, a people, and a place of inclusive welcome for those seeking justice and relationships for all people.”
Supporting Broad Street’s Ministries
Your continuing faithfulness in giving to the mission and ministries of Broad Street is deeply appreciated. We are especially grateful to those who have switched to online giving, as we do not have to process checks to receive those gifts. To give via check or cash, you are welcome to give in-person on Sunday mornings or mail your offerings directly to the church. To give online, we encourage you to use one of the options below.
Go to and click on “Giving” or click on the button directly below.
Text the dollar amount to (614) 665-0525.
Recurring Events:
Sundays: 11:00 a.m. — Livestream & in-person Worship
Mondays–Thursdays: 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. — Church Office Open
Mondays–Saturdays: 12:00 p.m. — 501 AA Group
Mondays–Fridays: 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. — CCH Warming Center
Tuesdays: 7:30 p.m. — Ringers on Broad Rehearsals
Wednesdays: 3:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m. — Manna Café
Thursday: 7:00 p.m. — Heart-to-Heart NA Group
Thursdays: 7:30 p.m. — Chancel Choir Rehearsals
Events and Meetings:
December 3: 12:30 p.m. — Great Hallelujah Tour of Churches begins; ends at Broad Street; gather for dinner and fellowship at Matt and Tony’s Kitchen x Tavern after the Tour
December 4: 12:15 p.m. — The UMC Ahead, updates and discussion from November’s Jurisdictional Conference
December 6: 6:00 p.m. — Heart of the City Foundation meeting
December 13: 1:00 p.m. — History and Archives Team
December 14: 7:00 p.m. — Finance Subcommittee
December 19: 7:00 p.m. — Leadership Board, Zoom
December 21: 7:00 p.m. — Longest Night Service: a service of reflection and meditation for those experiencing grief or sadness during this season
December 24: 7:00 p.m. — Christmas Eve: Candlelight, Carols, and Communion
December 25: 11:00 a.m. — Christmas Day: Sunday Worship with scripture, prayer, and carols!
December 26: OFFICE CLOSED