Order of Worship

September 22 , 2024
11:00 am

Prelude                                     Spirit of the Living God 	                    arr. Teresa Wilhelmi             
                  Michael Lester, piano              	  				

Introit                    Come Rejoice in God       Jacques Berthier                                           Chancel Choir


Welcome           Rev. Dr. Lori Reiber, Pastor        

“We are the church in the heart of the city, with the city in our hearts.”

*Call to Worship: Rob Hazlett, liturgist

Leader: Who is wise and understanding among us?
All: Those who seek wisdom and understanding each and every day. Those who delight in God and meditate on God’s law.
Leader: Come, learn more about the wisdom from above, a wisdom that yields a harvest of righteousness.
All: O God, your wisdom is more precious than jewels! We draw near to you.

*Opening Prayer:        Rob Hazlett, liturgist

We draw near to you, O God, Source of all understanding, and ask you to draw near to us. Teach us your wisdom from above, that we may bear good fruit in our lives. Root us beside the streams of your wisdom, that the green leaves of our goodness, fed by your insight, may not wither. Amen.

Passing the Peace of Christ

The peace of Christ is with you… And also with you…Please share the peace of Christ with those around you.

*Opening Hymn                             UMH # 89

  Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee

 1.      Joyful, Joyful, we adore thee, God of glory, Lord of love; hearts unfold like flowers before thee, opening to the sun above. Melts the clouds of sun and sadness; drive the dark of doubt away. Giver of immortal gladness, fill us with the light of day!

2.      All thy works with joy surround thee, earth and heaven reflect thy rays, stars and angels sing around thee, center of unbroken praise. Field and forest, vale and mountain, flowery meadow, flashing sea, chanting bird and flowing fountain, call us to rejoice in thee.

3.      Thou art giving and forgiving, ever blessing, ever blest, well-spring of the joy of living, ocean depth of happy rest! Thou our Father, Christ our brother, all who live in love are thine; teach us how to love each other, lift us to the joy divine.

4.      Mortal, join the mighty chorus which the morning stars began; love divine is reigning o’er us, binding all within its span. Ever singing, marching onward, victors in the midst of strife; joyful music; leads us sunward, in the triumph song of life.      

 Epistle Reading                 James 3:13-18         Rob Hazlett, Liturgist        

Choir Anthem  Lord, For Thy Tender Mercies' Sake       

 Richard Farrant Chancel Choir 

Scripture Mark 9:30-37

Sermon For the Sake of the Gospel: Don’t Be Afraid to Ask                     

Rev. Dr. Lori Reiber                

The Offering Karen White, Seminary Intern


Offeratory Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart            arr. Jan Sanborn

Michael Lester, piano


Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow       UMH #95

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!

Praise God, the source of all our gifts!

Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!

Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

      Broad Street reaches the heart of the city through the generosity of its members and friends.

    • Offering plates are available at the Sanctuary exits.

    • Go to broadstreetumc.net and click on “Giving” or scan the QR code on the bulletin cover.

    • Text the dollar amount to (614) 665-0525.

      Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer

      Our Father Who art In Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen

*Closing Hymn Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service            UMH #581

Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service

1.      Lord, whose love through humble service, bore the weight of human need, who upon the cross, forsaken, offered mercy’s perfect deed: we, your servants, bring the worship not of voice alone, but heart, consecrating to your purpose every gift that you impart.

2.      Still your children wander homeless; still the hungry cry for bread; still the captives long for freedom; still in grief we mourn our dead.  As, O Lord, your deep compassion healed the sick and freed the soul, use the love your Spirit kindles still to save and make us whole.

3.      As we worship, grant us vision, till your love’s revealing light in its height and depth and greatness dawns upon our quickened sight, making known the needs   and burdens your compassion bids us bear, stirring us to tireless striving your abundant life to share.

Called by worship to your service, forth in your dear name we go to the child, the youth, the aged, love in living deeds to show; hope and health, good will and comfort, counsel, aid, and peace we give, that your servants, Lord, in freedom may your mercy know, and live

*Announcements & Benediction                                                               Pastor Lori

Benediction Response  The Lord Bless You and Keep You                Peter Lutkin

Postlude Jesus Loves Me     arr.  Joel Raney, adapted by Michael Lester                                              Michael Lester, piano


* Indicates an invitation to rise in body or in spirit


Ringers on Broad– Our Bell Choir will rehearse today at 12:30. This is our regular rehearsal time. If you are interested in joining the Bell Choir, please see Olivia Miller.

Windows Mite-  Next Sunday is the fifth Sunday of the month; so bring in your loose change and dollar bills and contribute to the Windows Mite, to support our technology fund!

History Table– When you have a chance, visit the history table at the back of the sanctuary. The display will rotate monthly. 

Bethlehem on Broad– We are putting together a team to plan for our involvement this year. If you are interested, see Rob Hazlett.

Online Financial Information Meeting– Monday September 30, 7PM. Register with link: https://shorturl.at/Ih3eA

Thursday Faith Connection Email– If you are still not receiving the Faith Connection, please email Pastor Lori  at pastorlori@broadstreetumc.net

                        This Week’s Calendar

Monday-Thursday, 10am-4pm, Church Office Open

Monday-Saturday 12pm, 501 AA Group | Room 306

Monday, 6pm, Community Volleyball Team | Gym

Monday, 6:45, Manna in the Morning| Kitchen

Wednesday, 3-7pm, Manna Café Meal Preparation | Kitchen, Jim Thomas Hall

Wednesday, 5-6pm, Manna Café Meal Distribution | Ramp Entrance

Wednesday, 6:30-7:30pm, Terminally Unique Men’s AA Group |Rm 306

Thursday, 7pm, Heart-to-Heart NA Group | Room 306

Thursday, 7:30-9pm, Chancel Choir | Choir Room

Sunday (9/15), 12:30pm, Bell Choir Rehearsal

 Church Staff:

Rev. Dr. Lori Reiber, Pastor                
Gary Everts, Director of Music                  
Olivia Miller, Handbell Director
Karen White, Seminary Intern                                 
Saundra Buck, Admin Assistant