What to Expect
When you come to worship on Sunday morning, you can expect people who are dressed in “church” clothes and people who are dressed in jeans and t-shirts. God doesn’t care what you are wearing and neither do we. You will see a beautiful traditional sanctuary, but you will notice that the people are friendly, warm, welcoming and affirming. We know all churches say that, but this one is actually really good at it. You won’t hear a band or sing songs that have lots of repeated choruses, but you will hear music from our pipe organ, grand piano, and vocalists. You are invited to sing both long beloved hymns and newer worship songs. We learn about God by what we sing, so we choose carefully. You will hear prayers for others and our world, and be invited to join in praying. You will hear something from the Scriptures and a thoughtful, relevant word from the preacher. You will hear that Broad Street is committed to the heart of the city and to welcoming and affirming everyone as a beloved child of God.
If you aren’t able to join us in person, join us via our livestream. Just check-in on our worship page.