In Case You Missed It

Monday, February 7, 2022


Manna Café Sponsors Needed

Manna Café is in need of meal sponsors for approximately 100 people on February 16, March 2, March 16, and March 30. We provide containers, veggies with Ranch dressing, utensil packets, water, and dessert. Meals should consist of a main and one or two sides of your choosing. Please contact the office at (614) 221-4571 or send an email to

Refugee Resettlement

Are you interested in Refugee Resettlement? CRIS (Community Refugee and Immigration Services) is looking for individuals and groups to help resettle newly-arriving families. Some of the challenges families face are things Broad Street can help with. These include:

  • Learning/improving English

  • Transportation

  • Helping kids with schooling once enrolled

  • Acquiring and maintaining affordable housing

  • Food insecurity

  • Learning about our healthcare system and how to navigate it

Email or call the office at (614) 221-4571 for more information.

Black History Month

February is Black History Month. No one in American History has addressed more eloquently or advanced more effectively, the ideals of freedom, justice, and equality than the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. So in observance of this, we will feature the sermons of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. throughout the month of February.

Update on Pastor Angie’s Board of Ordained Ministry Process

Last Monday, Pastor Angie once again went before the West Ohio Conference Board of Ordained Ministry to request status as a Provisional Elder. Many of you will recall that this is the fourth time she has submitted this request and interviewed. Sadly, frustratingly, Pastor Angie’s request has once again been denied by a small minority of individuals serving on the Board. Despite a new interview team this year and an affirmative recommendation from that team, the full plenary session of the Board did not achieve the necessary ¾ affirmative vote to honor Pastor Angie’s request. As in previous years, the sole roadblock remains an unwillingness by a small minority to vote “yes” because of the language in our denominational laws, The Book of Discipline. Specifically, this language states, “Self-avowed practicing homosexuals are not to be certified as candidates, ordained as ministers, or appointed to serve in The United Methodist Church,” (United Methodist Book of Discipline, ¶ 304.3).

We know that this continued denial of Pastor Angie’s call engenders difficult emotions here at Broad Street and well beyond. To that end, although there is little that can be done to bring about a course correction until General Conference is held, Pastor John and Pastor Angie will be considering ways that the emotions we all have can be used constructively and in healthful ways. Stay tuned for more information.

COVID Update

The Sunday morning Worship Leaders will be meeting soon to discuss plans to return to in-person worship since the confirmed infection rate has dropped below 75 per 100,000 people in the Metro Columbus area. THIS DOES NOT MEAN WE ARE RETURNING TO IN-PERSON YET. KEEP WATCHING FOR MORE DETAILS.

If you weren’t able to join us for Worship on Sunday, below are a few quick links to portions you may be interested in viewing.


Sunday Links


Sunday Links