In Case You Missed It

Monday, August 8, 2022

Shower of Appreciation & Loving Tears of Thank You

Last Sunday, at the end of worship, I was surprised and overwhelmed by Jon Sadler’s including a birthday recognition of me. Jon’s generous comments & the response of our gathered community truly brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much! I was reminded of what we had sung earlier in the service, “There’s a sweet, sweet Spirit in this place...”

When I got home, I opened all of the cards (quite a stack!) from a loving Broad Street community, both local and across the country, friends, Chancel Choir members, and children. Thank you for all your expressions of birthday wishes, words of appreciation, and love. Each of you has touched my heart.

It is a privilege for me to serve the Broad Street community.

Gary Everts

Our CRIS Family is Here!

On Wednesday evening, our CRIS Team welcomed our new friends from Ethiopia: Lemlem and her two young children! Monetary gifts to assist in defraying their costs for the first few months are still greatly appreciated. Visit our Giving Page and choose “Immigration Support” from the dropdown menu.

Coming Soon…

Join your pastors for an outing to the Columbus Museum of Art to view and discuss their current special exhibit: Raphael—The Power of Renaissance Images: The Dresden Tapestries and their Impact. This exhibit at CMoA is the only location in the U.S. where these tapestries are making an appearance! Stay tuned for more information on a date/time to join us!

Manna Café Needs Help!

Our minimum weekly cost (even when others provide the main meal) is $165. The Manna Café ministry has a tremendous need for donations of either supplies or monetary funds. If you are interested in contributing, please see Pastor Angie, email, or give online.

for the 2022 Central Ohio CROP Hunger Walk!

We have the choice to walk together with other CROP Walk teams from Scioto Audubon Metro Park on Sunday, October 9, or we can do our own hybrid walk as Team Broad Street and choose our own date/route. Sign up at

Summer Fun Opportunities

Columbus Clippers games; CMoA Bar-Art-Music Thursdays from 5-9 p.m. through September. Contact Shelley Hobson at with questions or if interested!

Collecting Gently Used Adult Bicycles for Drop-In Center Guests

Bikes can be dropped off Tuesday-Thursday from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m., at the gym entrance, or call the church office to make other arrangements.

Sign Ups for Ushers, Greeters, Liturgists, and Flowers

As a reminder, for anyone (and we really mean anyone) who would like to assist with Worship by serving as a liturgist, an usher or greeter, or by providing flowers to decorate the Altar, we’d love to help you participate! If you would like to serve as an Usher, please contact Shelley Hobson. Sign-ups for liturgists, greeters, and providing Altar flowers are available in the Narthex every Sunday morning. Sign up for Altar flowers is also available online at

Are You Receiving Broad Street Emails and Newsletters?

If you are not already subscribed to our twice-weekly emails and monthly newsletter emails, you’re missing out! To sign up visit our Newsletters page and enter your information at the bottom of the page.

This Week’s Calendar

Sunday: 11:00 a.m. — Livestream & in-person Worship

Monday & Wednesday: 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. — Church Office Open

Monday–Saturday: 12:00 p.m. — 501 AA Group

Tuesday–Thursday: 1:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m. — Columbus Coalition for the Homeless Drop-In Center

Wednesday: 3:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m. — Manna Café

Thursday: 7:00 p.m. — Heart-to-Heart NA Group

If you weren’t able to join us for Worship on Sunday, below are a few quick links to portions you may be interested in viewing.


Sunday Links


Sunday Links