In Case You Missed It +
Monday, August 28, 2023
Three children in foster care need help
A local family is fostering 3 special needs children in an effort to keep the 3 siblings together. Broad Street is collecting shoes and clothing for the 3 children this week:
· 10 yr old girl: shoes, kids size 6.5; shirts, size 12; pants, size 13.
· 6 yr old boy: shoes, size 2.5; shirts, size 8; pants, size 8.
· 2 yr old boy: shoes, size 6; shirts, size 2; pants, size 2.
· Kroger and Walmart gift cards any amount
Please bring clothing or gift card donations to church next Sunday 9/3.
Gary Everts Update
Gary Everts has returned home! Follow Gary’s updates at Search for garyeverts and sign up to receive updates. Send cards and greetings to Gary at home: 5085 Chuckleberry Lane, Westerville, OH 43081-7804.
September Sermon Series
Join us Sundays in September to learn more about things we’ve often attributed to Jesus, but which Jesus never really said! Sundays 11am, in the sanctuary and online, at 11am.
It’s almost here!
Rally Day is Sept 10th. Chancel Choir returns from summer respite, and welcomes new singers of every voice part. All are invited to join the joyful song! We’ll also kick-off our fall programing line-up with book studies, Bible studies, small groups, and other fun adventures. They’re all waiting to be unveiled on Sept 10th.
Heart of the City Walk, Sept. 30th
Registration Now Open
The Heart of the City Foundation is excited about the completion of the Kitchen Renovation Project at Broad Street United Methodist Church. Because of this project, Manna Cafe will soon be able to prepare and serve hot meals to nearly 150 people per week. Check out these pictures from the June 4th open house at
Registration for the annual HOTCF Walk is now open! This year the funds raised by the Walk will around out the Kitchen Renovation Project, to purchase various kitchen items such as pots and pans. if you can’t make the walk, there is also an option to make a donation on the registration page. Please join us on September 30th at 9am in front of the church. To register or make a donation visit
Save the date
CROP Walk is Oct 1st. Mark your calendars and plan to join Team Broad Street to help fight world hunger by walking in the Central Ohio Hunger CROP Walk at Scioto Audubon Park. Check-in begins at 1pm, walk steps off at 2pm. Keep watching for more info and to sign-up.
New to the church?
Want to know more about Broad Street Church, the people, or the pastor and staff? Come to Pizza with the Pastor on September 3rd right after worship for an informal Q&A and time of free pizza and fellowship. We’ll meet in the Parlor!
Wednesdays, September 13, 20, 27, and October 4.
When a child comes out to their family, it often raises many questions for both the child and for the family. For example:
What does it mean for the family when a child comes out to their parents?
What does it mean for the parents’ relationship to their church?
What does it mean for the parents’ own faith?
How do parents navigate their own “coming out” after their children have come out to them?
What is the impact on you and your family and especially your LGBTQ+ child with the disaffiliation process taking place currently in some UM congregations?
The sessions are designed to provide a safe space where questions and concerns can be dealt with openly and honestly.
This class will be held on Zoom this fall. The meetings will begin at 7:00 pm and conclude by 8:30 pm.
If you want to participate in the class, please email Jim at Put “Kids Class” in the Subject line. A few days prior to the class session, you will receive a Zoom invitation from Jim for the sessions.
The Rev. Jim Waugh, retired pastor in the West Ohio Conference, will lead the group. Jim and his wife, Carol, have an adult daughter, Lisa, who came out to them over twenty years ago. Jim served a four-year term as the chair of the Parents Reconciling Network Board (a group related to the Reconciling Ministries Network).
If you have questions or need more information, please feel free to email Jim:
“Dinner For 8” & “Brunch Bunch” Fellowship Groups
Coming in October!
Do you like to eat? Are you looking for a way to get to know other members of Broad Street and develop a more personal relationship? If so, then a lunch or dinner fellowship group might just be for you!
Brunch Bunch is a daytime group that meets monthly in different restaurants for a meal and a time of fellowship. Groups rotate between different restaurants based on suggestions of group members and meets at 11:30am. Each person pays for their own meal.
Dinner for 8 groups can either meet in members’ homes for a potluck meal or choose to dine in a restaurant. These groups meet monthly, are limited to 8 participants per group, and usually meet at 6pm or 7pm. Hosts are needed for the initial kickoff for the in-home groups, so please think about being a host! If the group dines in a restaurant, group members will choose the location and they pay for their own meal.
We’re hoping that interest will be so great that we’ll have dinner groups all over the city! For questions contact April Lee at or call 614.325.1297. Sign-up sheets will be available at Rally Day, September 10th.
This Week’s Calendar
Monday–Thursday, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm, Church Office Open
Monday–Saturday, 12:00 pm, 501 AA Group | Room 306
Wednesday, 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm, Manna Café meal prep | Jim Thomas Hall
Wednesday, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, Manna Café meal distribution | Ramp Entrance
Thursday, 7:00 pm, Heart-to-Heart NA Group | Room 306
If you weren’t able to join us for Worship on Sunday, below are a few quick links to portions you may be interested in viewing.