In Case You Missed It
Monday, September 19, 2022
Central Ohio CROP Hunger Walk — October 9th
On August 27th, a group of CROP Walk Team leaders toured the Mid-Ohio Food Collective. We had a wonderful time learning about the excellent work we support each year locally through the Central Ohio CROP Hunger Walk! Marshall Long and Abigail Kulewicz hosted this informative and eye-opening tour. This is just one local agency that benefits greatly from our CROP Walk donations.
As a reminder, the CROP Walk is Sunday, October 9th. Team Broad Street will join other walkers after church at the Scioto Audubon Metro Park in the fight against hunger. You can help in many ways:
Walk with us! Either in person or virtually, by signing up online.
Donate! Online donations are easy and convenient. We also gladly accept cash or checks, payable to CWS/CROP.
Invite friends and family to join us and support the Walk. Team Broad Street's CROP Walk page is
Please visit our page for updates and information on Church World Service and CROP. Our team fundraising goal is $1,500, and we have already raised $250 online!
Please reach out to team captain Shelley Hobson with any questions. We walk because they walk, until there is enough for all.
Shelley Hobson
Captain, Team Broad Street
CROP Walk Team Captains tour Mid-Ohio Food Collective in August, 2022
Supporting the Wilsons
Many of you know that Joan and Rev. Tom Wilson are currently navigating a health challenge, and at this time, they are welcoming help with meals from their communities. If you are interested in providing a meal for the Wilsons, please contact the Church Office to receive the link to their meal coordinating site. It is helpful to list what you plan to provide when signing up, but it is not absolutely necessary. The only restriction is that meals need to be gluten-free.
A Good Old Fashioned Field Trip
After Worship on October 2, we invite you to join your pastors for an outing to the Columbus Museum of Art to view and discuss their current special exhibit: Raphael—The Power of Renaissance Images: The Dresden Tapestries and their Impact. Bring a lunch or dash across the street to the Schokko Café in the Museum to grab a bite to eat, and then, at 12:30, we’ll enjoy the special program just for Broad Street, followed by an optional program, open to the public, at 2:00 p.m.! The cost of admission for the afternoon is $10 per person, which can be collected at the time of the event or through our registration form at
Heart of the City Foundation Walk
The Annual Heart of the City Foundation Walk will take place on Saturday, October 15th at 10:00 a.m. here at the church. The Heart of the City Foundation is taking a more informal approach to the Walk this year. There is no registration required. Instead, supporters are encouraged to make a donation prior to the Walk using the HOTCF website:, Choose “donate” at the top of the home page.
Collecting Gently Used Items for Drop-In Center Guests
As the weather begins to cool, one of the primary needs for those without shelter is to stay warm overnight. The Columbus Coalition for the Homeless would love to receive any gently used sleeping bags, blankets, tents, sleeping pads, etc. These items, along with adult bicycles to aid in transportation, can be dropped off at the gym entrance Tuesday-Thursday from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m., or call the church office to make other arrangements.
Sign Ups for Ushers, Greeters, Liturgists, and Flowers
As a reminder, for anyone (and we really mean anyone) who would like to assist with Worship by serving as a liturgist, an usher or greeter, or by providing flowers to decorate the Altar, we’d love to help you participate! If you would like to serve as an Usher, please contact Shelley Hobson. Sign-ups for liturgists, greeters, and providing Altar flowers are available in the Narthex every Sunday morning. Sign up for Altar flowers is also available online at
Are You Receiving Broad Street Emails and Newsletters?
If you are not already subscribed to our twice-weekly emails and monthly newsletter emails, you’re missing out! To sign up visit our Newsletters page and enter your information at the bottom of the page.
This Week’s Calendar
Monday–Thursday: 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. — Church Office Open
Monday–Saturday: 12:00 p.m. — 501 AA Group
Monday: 7:00 p.m. — Leadership Board, via Zoom
Tuesday: 7:30 p.m. — Ringers on Broad Rehearsal
Tuesday–Thursday: 1:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m. — Columbus Coalition for the Homeless Drop-In Center
Wednesday: 3:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m. — Manna Café
Wednesday: 8:00 p.m. — Bethlehem on Broad Planning Meeting, via Zoom
Thursday: 7:00 p.m. — Heart-to-Heart NA Group
Thursday: 7:30 p.m. — Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Sunday: 11:00 a.m. — Livestream & in-person Worship
If you weren’t able to join us for Worship on Sunday, below are a few quick links to portions you may be interested in viewing.