Welcome to Broad Street.

This is a place for everyone
to be loved.
to be love.
to belong.

  • While you are present here in this beautiful, traditional Sanctuary, you will find that the people are friendly and warm and welcoming and affirming. We know all churches say that, but this one is actually really good at it. In this space, you will hear music from our pipe organ and grand piano, along with songs from our choir, soloists, and ensembles. Feel free to join in singing, or simply listen if that is more comfortable. You will hear prayers for others and the world and be invited to join in praying. You will hear words of Scripture and a thoughtful, relevant word from the preacher. You will hear that Broad Street is committed to the heart of the city and to welcoming and affirming everyone as a beloved child of God.

  • We may gather in a 19th-century church building and follow a more traditional worship style, but we also work to keep up with the ways the world works in the 21st century. So we want to make sure you are able to be as engaged as you wish to be. You are invited to ask an usher for a printed copy of our Order of Worship or follow along in our mobile-friendly version.

    Mobile-friendly Order of Worship

  • As the church in the heart of the city with the city in its heart, Broad Street maintains a commitment to doing ministry with and for the community around us. We deeply appreciate any financial gifts that you would like to make in support of Broad Street’s outreach and mission to all of God’s beloved children.

    Online Giving

    Text the dollar amount to (614) 665-0525.

  • We hope that your time here is meaningful and provides you with the presence of God as shown through the people gathered on this day. We would love to have a way to be in touch with you outside of this time here, and we welcome as much information as you would like to provide in our Connect Card.