Sunday Links
July 31, 2022
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
A Visit to the “I” Doctor
Luke 12:13-21
Notes for Sunday
This Sunday is the fifth in July, and that means we’ll be collecting a Widow’s Mite Offering. This Widow’s Mite Offering will be directed to the Ethiopian refugee family Broad Street is sponsoring through a partnership with Community and Refugee Immigration Services (CRIS). Spare change (and the folding kind!) are welcomed; separate baskets will be available next to the collection plates at the exits.
Immediately following Worship, the Come to the Water Christian Healing Ministers will be at the front of the Sanctuary to receive any who wish to come forward for healing and covering by the Holy Spirit. All who are worshipping online, please contact Dennis Fuhr at (614) 886-6691 for gathered prayers for healing by the Come to the Water ministers.